Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday Sermon

Saturday, December 29, 2007
Global Warming 2

Evidence is accumulating supporting the fact of global warming. I have posted on the subject before and I hope that I have reached a receptive audience. It is well known that H4227, H108, and all of the black powders are particular offenders in regards to creating high amounts of greenhouse gases when ignited. Many of you who read this blog will undoubtedly remain unrepentant and will shamelessly persist in your assault on Nature and the Environment. Others may wish to continue their pursuits that have cost so much time and effort but would not wish any harm to posterity. For those who care, I have decided to consider selling "offsets" to balance your ecological sins. This is such an admirable program, that I have also decided to extend it to those who offend good marksmanship. This program we will call "re-entry." Checks can be made out to "Cash" and I will take care of the rest. Prices negotiable. Sleep well.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
2008 Match Schedules

I have posted the schedules for ASSRA, ISSA, and the Grand Junction folks here. As I get them, I will put others up such as the matches at Promontory, the Cody WY matches, and, of course, the popular and prestigious matches at the Crow Seeps Cattle Co. With careful planning, I am sure that you can make them all. Tentatively, our matches will be the second Saturday of the month but we may want to work around some of the others.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Old Shatterhand

Of course, his success brought out the disparagers, the skeptics, and those of limited "willing suspension of disbelief." May persisted in his assertions but the fact-checkers eventually found that he had never been in the West and had obtained his guns and artifacts clandestinely. Nevertheless he remained immensely popular in Europe and had fans as diverse as Albert Einstein and Adolf Hitler. His books are reported to have sold over 2oo million copies, are still in print today, and have been translated into thirty languages including your own. His stories have been made into sixteen or so movies starring the likes of Stewart Granger and Lex Barker.
So, Western fans, why haven't you ever heard of him? I first became aware of May at a bookstore in Germany where his tales were displayed along side of those by Zane Grey and Louis L'Amour. Apparently they are difficult to translate with any degree of justice to his writing. It has been tried, however. A couple of years ago I read "The Treasure of Silver Lake" part of which takes place here in Utah. It is an episodic tale that brings our heroes across the West and into fortune. I see that another translator, a woman from Tasmania, is publishing more of them in English and they are available at Amazon. I would also hope that someone, one day, will also translate his other works besides the adventure stories as May was not your ordinary guy.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Honor Targets

Targets are generally round from about a foot to three feet in diameter and are painted on wood. Keep in mind that there is no law governing or limiting the imagination of the artist. Around the outer circumference is often found the club name, the date, the occasion, the winner, who donated the target, and sometimes the names of the shooters. Quite often the shooters mark their hits, sometimes with little conical pegs, and sign their names on the back of the target. During my latest in-depth research expedition, I observed a target that was not meant to be shot but rather to be hung in the schuetzen house. It was to honor the local volunteer firefighters whose representatives were present at that banquet.
Traditions vary about the use of the target. In our club, we shoot a "King Target" each match, a shot at a regular target, sign our names to the hits and present it to the best shot. In some clubs in Germany, an honor target at a schuetzen fest is shot to determine the Schuetzen King for the year, an honor that may entail certain social responsibilities. At more mundane occasions the honor target is presented to the winner or the honoree(s) or hung in the schuetzen house or a favorite pub.
Monday, December 10, 2007
The Way

It seems there are a lot of misapprehensions about "Schuetzen" so I thought it appropriate to add my own. I am often asked if our sport is the same in Germany. The answer is, of course, yes and no. The German Schuetzen Union was organized in 1861 to, among other things, to improve marksmanship both as a skill and a science-just like our NRA a decade later. Our sport loosely replicates the firearms and techniques of the zenith of Schuetzen just prior to WWI. The German branch of our sport has had a couple of major road bumps along the way but remains dedicated to the original purpose. This means, of course, that old single shot rifles are deemed passe', which, in a practical sense, they are. So, to answer the question: no, they have progressed beyond shooting with antiques, for the most part. However, it just so happens that there is yet some lively competition widespread in Germany with odd looking rifles with hooked buttplates, shooting plain-based lead bullets, off-hand at distant targets. The difference is that they are muzzleloaders. It is interesting that one of the makers of these guns refers to them as Schuetzen rifles. The term has emigrated to the US and now back to Germany. So, what about shooting with the Aydts and Martinis that are the models for our rifles? It is still done although I am not sure that the matches are DSB sanctioned. There are some matches, mostly in southern Germany and Austria, that not only keep the tradition alive but also the style. A competitor must not only shoot an appropriately traditional rifle (or Zimmerstutzen) but must also dress appropriately. The schedule for these matches can be found at the website of Josef Albl, an artist woodcarver of Oberammergau. So the answer to the original question is also "yes, sort of."
Friday, December 7, 2007
Well do they?
Monday, December 3, 2007

The third Bundeschiessen attracted over five thousand competitors to shoot from one hundred sixty positions. This was not a small undertaking and required planning not only for conducting and scoring the matches but also for housing, feeding, transporting, and caring for the other needs of the participants. This seems to have been done with a great deal of intelligent thought and attention to detail. For example, it specified the kind, quality, and cost for a meal.
It is useful to remember that these gatherings were inspired by a growing desire of the German people to be united politically. This had been taking place even while planning for the festival was going on. Austria and Prussia went to war in the summer of 1866, just two years before. Prussia thumped the Austrians pretty well, inflicting casualties at a rate of about seven to one using their new secret weapon, the Dreyse breech-loading needle rifle. Prussia then simplified government administration of the German states that had been allied with Austria by doing it themselves. Nevertheless and surprisingly so, the mood at the Bundeschiessen seems to have been brotherly and not focused on the past.
The actual matches, and there were several, were held at 175 and 300 meters and were shot off-hand. For example, the Wehrmanns-scheiben was fired with something like a service rifle. The rules specified no set trigger, no hooked butt plate, and no patched bullets. The target was at 300 meters and was about three feet tall and half as wide. I neglected to record the scores but there seems to have been some fine shooting. The winner of the rapid fire target (300 meters, three minutes) won with a Peabody single shot-way ahead of the Winchester repeaters.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Gus Zimmermann
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Germany 3.0 Endingen
Endingen, a small town at the base of the Kaiserstuhl, might seem an unlikely tourist destination. But that would only be if someone did not know that this is the home town of the famous Schuetze Gus Zimmermann of whom more will be relayed later. Mr. Z was very generous to his neighbors in his day, giving great gifts to the schuetzenverein, the church, and the community. His benefactors have not forgotten, either. For example, there is Gus-Zimmermann-Allee, an attractive tree-lined path to the forest; the city museum has its own display of his awards; and the schuetzen club maintains a veritable monument to his memory.
Friend Ingo Laue not only surprised me with a visit and a tour of the schuetzen house but also arranged for us to celebrate with the club the crowning (chaining?) of the new schuetzen king the following Saturday. This soiree consisted of music, dinner, some speaking, dancing, singing, and enjoying the principal agricultural product of the region. The club honored the youth marksmen, the volunteer fire department-the subject of this year's honor target-and presented the church with a sizable donation. They were very hospitable to their visitors. I was given a club patch, along with extra refreshments including a sip of Schuetzenschoerle from a silver cup that had been won by favorite son, Gus Zimmermann. Many thanks to the good and generous folks of Endingen. Later in the week, B. Kellner and I were able to interview a member with much knowledge of Mr. Z. We were also able to visit the city museum in the company of the city archivist and to visit the church that houses Mr. Z's gift. I'll say it again: The people of Endingen were especially kind and have my thanks.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Germany 2.2
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Germany 2.1
Monday, November 5, 2007
Germany 2
What, you may well ask yourself, is there to do in Germany during November that would be of any interest? Saturday we strolled around the old town in Freiburg and then went to the mountains south of the city. This part of Germany is not the ugliest place in the world. That night, we went to a special place to work on my SD (Schnitzel Deprivation). I am no longer suffering from it but the yearning still remains. Probably further treatment is required.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Hubertus Octoberus

Sunday, October 21, 2007
September Golden Spike Scores
In case you are not, as I am not, on Denny's email distribution list, you have been waiting to see how things went. Well, I have obtained them and have posted them here. You can see that attendance is down a bit from previous shoots which, to me, indicates that great strides are being made in weather prediction.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Albert Gotthilf Sterzing RIP

His lasting gift to his fellow man, besides his family, was his leadership in the founding of the DSB. Ernst II, Duke of SCG (see way below), picked Sterzing to organize the Schuetzen societies of Germany into a "national" organization. This was complicated by the fact that at the time, 1861, "Germany" consisted of thirty-nine more-or-less independent states, some of which forbade the joining with "foreign" organizations. He was successful, extremely so. The first "national" Schuetzenfest in 1862 attracted about 8000 participants from around the globe. Much of what fueled the enthusiasm was the strong feeling among Germans for a once-again united Germany, a child that was born in 1871 with the help of the midwife, Wilhelm I of Prussia, and his men in blue.
Sterzing was elected as the first president of the DSB, a post he held, with much esteem, until his death. His real gift, beyond his organizational and motivational skills, was to guide this organization of armed groups, the Schuetzen societies, successfully through the dangers posed by revolutionaries on one hand and suspicious princes on the other. He did this, in my opinion, by steering competition away from military style competition while still emphasizing improvements in arms and marksmanship. Those precious exemplars of Schuetzen art, the rifles of his and later times-up to the time of National Socialism-are decidedly unmilitary. While the first standard competition rifle followed the example of the Swiss model 1852 Feldstutzen, complete with bayonet mount, we end the era with the beautiful but impractical Aydts and Martinis.
Utah Gun Collectors

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Hating the French

Wasserburger Mile
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Gun Porn

This picture of a very attractive Wesson rifle was posted on the ASSRA forum. One of our members, although I am unsure if his dues are up to date, D. Butler of Mayfield also has one in the works. When he gets it, it should be nice. The engraver has had it for about a year and at last report, is almost half way done.
Friday, October 12, 2007
The Cool Test
St. Hubertus Shoot
San Rafael Schuetzenfest
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Not Schuetzen Related

Here is the Washington Post’s Mensa Invitational which once again asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition. Here are [some] winners:
Ignoranus : A person who’s both stupid and an asshole.
Intaxication : Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
Bozone ( n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating.
Giraffiti : Vandalism spray-painted very, very high
Sarchasm : The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.
Osteopornosis : A degenerate disease.
Dopeler Effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
Arachnoleptic Fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you’ve accidentally walked through a spider web.
Lymph (v.): to walk with a lisp
Monday, October 1, 2007
October Match

The October match will be held the fourth Saturday (27th) of the month. We will gather at the Lee Kay Center 200 yard range and shoot our usual forty round program and our "King" target. We will also shoot a 20 round offhand match with ASSRA legal pre-WWII centerfire rifles at 200 yards, First prize for this match will be a handsome medal from the Sport Schuetzenverein of Merdingen, Germany. Dig out the old Feuerstutzen and do some practice. Refreshments afterwards and with some luck, pictures of maple leaves from Gaylord and Dixie's trip to New England. This will likely be our last shoot for the year unless we can find an indoor range for some small caliber competition. Special thanks to Gary Nelson for staking out our shooting spot.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Usual Suspects
Last weekend was the Buffalo Shoot at Promontory and there was a fair crowd to shoot in spite of the weather report. The prediction was for cooler temperatures, breezes, and a chance of rain. What a relief. How often have we been there frying in the sun? This time, I did not even have the desire to put the sunshade up. Saturday began nice with a little wind. Our group shot the buffalo target the first round. Later the sky darkened a bit and it started to sprinkle. Although it didn’t rain as much as a half inch, Denny had us put our rifles in a dry place for a couple of hours until the chance of rust had diminished enough for us to finish the targets.
Sunday dawned a little brighter. There were some sprinkles and the cooler weather was welcome. I had thought to bring my duck hunting parka and insulated trousers. The wind picked up a bit but since we were shooting the shorter targets, we had the advantage. It was never so strong that one couldn’t walk about unsupported but even then some fainter hearts had left the match before the second day even began. With the reduced numbers, the match went quickly and it wasn’t long before Denny was handing out the “Best of Show” ribbons. I think that you will recognize the winners from matches past. Besides the ribbons, we drew for a nice Marbles knife and a Paul Jones mould that some sweet soul had anonymously donated for the event. A few pix are posted here.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Some Thoughts
First of all, the only place that I know of in the US to get supplies such as caps, balls, etc. is from Neal Stepp at International Shooters Service. His website is: http://www.iss-internationalshootersservice.com/ammunition.html Which brings me to the next point. Gaylord mentioned that it is about time to place an order for supplies. If we order together, we can save on the ridiculous and abusive HazMat charge and on the freight as well. Let me know before the end of October and I will have it shipped.
If you don't know a lot about Zimmerstutzens, about all that is generally known is in Volume Three of Alte Scheibenwaffen (Old Target Arms). It is an informative book with many beautiful photographs of old Zimmers. It is available from the German Gun Collectors Assn. (www.germanguns.com). You might want to check out Volumes One and Two as well.
Often, many of the old Zimmers that are loaded with a "Loeffel" or spoon-sort of a fully removable bolt-have this part missing. If you have a Zimmerstutzen and this is the case, one of our members may have a solution for you that is both innovative and economical. Get in touch. Just don't let him talk you out of your "useless'" rifle. If your spoon is not missing, you would still do well to investigate this.
One more thing. For as long as I have had my Zimmer, I've cleaned it with either a patch or the little swabs that Mr. Stepp sells. I finally bought a 17 cal. brush and was amazed at what came out. Also, the rough place near the chamber isn't there anymore. Saturday was the first that I have used lube on the BB's. I used a few drops of Liquid Alox on them a few days before and was quite pleased with the results. I believe that my accuracy improved and the barrel stayed cleaner.
Cold weather is upon us and I believe that instead of our usual winter hiatus that we look for a convenient indoor range where we can have either Zimmer or 22 matches. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Mary's Nipple Cup 2007

While this was going on, the ladies availed themselves of the opportunity to visit the historic Gunnison theater, a Utah Historical Site, and the recently completed dragon mosaic of Roman proportions, under the Gunnison Sanpitch bridge.
After the competition ended and the scoring was being done, Paul Lambert conducted a small contest where, I am loath to report, money seems to have changed hands. Alas, the times we live in. When the ladies, finally, arrived back from their cultural expedition, champagne toasts were made and the awards were granted the victors. Paul Lambert won the Glueckscheibe award, a fine reproduction of a Spanish flintlock in an easy-to-handle size. Common decency and humility forbid me from announcing the winner of the other prizes. Detractors, to their everlasting shame, may assert that some advantage was taken merely by the coincidence of the victor happening to have a: made the rules. b: shot the match on his "home range." and c: did all the scoring. "Evil to those who evil think," I say.
Pictures from the event are here and I encourage those who also took some photos to send them to me. I want to thank all of those who were present-I don't know if I have ever had a more pleasant weekend- and would encourage all to look forward with anticipation to MNC III.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007

I don't know who wrote this, but it looked good.
To be a Liberal:
1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens are more of a threat than nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Iran or Chinese and North Korean communists.
4. You have to believe that there was no art before federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV'S.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial, but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th-graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but PETA activists do.
10. You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
12. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
13. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, or Abraham Lincoln.
14. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.
15. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
16. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag queens and transvestites should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
17. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right-wing conspiracy.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Paul Lambert
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Match Announcement
Utah Schuetzen Society
Mayfield Zimmerbixlers
Mary’s Nipple Cup II
September 15
Mayfield, Utah
Thirty round 15 meter (49’3”) match
First prize-Engraved silver cup
Five round Glueckscheibe
First prize-Fucile Spagnolo Replica from Germany
Single round Ehrenscheibe
First prize-Signed Target
Join us once again in the penumbra of majestic Mary’s Nipple in bucolic Mayfield, Utah for the second annual competition for the much-coveted Mary’s Nipple Cup and Utah State Zimmerstutzen Championship. Match begins at 10 a.m. Sight-in table available from 8 a.m. All matches off-hand. Restricted to 4mm Zimmerstutzen and .177 air rifles. No telescopic sights. No sighter targets. Hearing and eye protection required. All safety rules and ASSRA rules apply. Pre-registration encouraged. Five Dollar registration fee. Match will take place at Mayfield Zimmerbixlers’ opulent covered outdoor range at 70 North 200 East. Snacks and refreshments furnished. Only 2 hrs. from SLC International Airport. Camping spaces for trailers and tents available. Complementary traditional breakfast and luncheon (after the competition and awards) provided by Frau Spencer for participants. Be there or be Viereckig.
Zielerkasperl Jon Spencer, PO Box 429, Mayfield, Utah 84643. 435-979-9723. jon.cgs@lycos.com
Gunnison Inn, 12 North Main, Gunnison 435-528-7840
Manti Country Village (restaurant) 145 North Main, Manti 800-452-0787
Mary's Nipple Cup II
The Mayfield Zimmerbixlers of the Utah Schuetzen Society are pleased to announce competition for the coveted Mary's Nipple Cup will be held Saturday, September 15 at the Mayfield, Utah Zimmerstutzen Range at 10:00 am. This being Utah's premier Zimmerstutzen event, the winner may also claim title to the Utah State Zimmerstutzen Championship. Full details above. Camping, meals, snacks, and refreshments will be available at the range.
For Rent, Sale, or Lease

Spacious and modern 4000 square foot building in the heart of Utah's Coal Country. Ideally located on major interstate feeder and near center of Salina's commercial zone. Ample paved parking. Efficient natural gas heat and refrigerated air conditioning. Retail fixtures included. Former occupant has forsaken commercial endeavors and devoted himself to reflection, meditation, and Zen Schuetzen. Contact may be made through this blog.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Spy Photo
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
ISSA International Schuetzenfest Scores
Sunday, August 19, 2007
August Scores
The August match is over and the scores consigned to the history books. We are only publishing the top three scores for a couple of reasons, one of which is that we wouldn't want to embarrass some member who might have told a significant other that he was going shooting. Perhaps you can guess the other.
The weather was good, I only put a coat on for a little while, which isn't too bad for August. After the main match, we repaired to the pistol range for an estimated 15 meter Zimmerstutzen match. A quorum of paid-up members being present, it was decided that future Zimmer matches will use the spotting target that matches our regular target in our competition, thus making scoring consistent.
Schuetzen Brother Gary Nelson once more took home the honors, winning both matches. Out of consideration of available wall space at the Nelson home, we chose to use a Zimmer target for the honors match.