Our July match was Saturday at the PMAA Range off exit 134 on I-80. Although the temperature in the valley reached well over a hundred degrees, it never went over a pleasant ninety-two at our shady mountain retreat. As the
scores attest, there was only enough breeze to keep the shooters comfortable and not challenge our marksmanship. Even though he did not shoot, it was good to have Paul Lambert in attendance again. Paul sponsored a .22 side match, providing the targets and ammunition. The range was not particularly crowded, which minimized the interference from other shooters. The staff at the range were particularly helpful and friendly.
I am thinking that we might want to have our August match here as well. I will appreciate your comments. Since the benches are not especially suited for rest matches, I propose a thirty or forty round offhand match and a twenty round warm-up match for the September Utah State Zimmerstutzen Championship. Tell me what you think.
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