Eight Zimmerbixlers participated: Paul Lambert, Jon Spencer, Gaylord Smith, Gary Nelson, Gloria Bell, Ron Bell, Bill Flint, and Daryl Butler (not shown.)
A Boeller shot commenced the competition which was underway with forty minutes afterward.
The first match, the Luck Match was won by lucky Ron Bell. The prize was a score enhancing target from the Parkenfarker Institute of Scientific Accuracy which, if used, should add points to his scores.
Ron also won the engraved silver cup with his superior off-hand skills (and luck) in the thirty shot main match.
While the scoring was being done, the shooters engaged in some sporting competition, shooting at an aspirin tablet at a dollar per shot. No accounting was done to see who the big winner was, but Gary could pay his bill afterwards.
Bill Flint took home the framed honor target with a shot to the nine ring. Thanks to Gaylord for providing the target and frame as well as copies of it for the rest of us.
The shooting for the title of Zimmerbixler King went until the seventy-second shot when Gaylord Smith knocked out the center. Originally, it was planned to have a little surprise accompany the winning center shot but, alas, the center was knocked out without the planned result. If HRH Smith fulfills his new duties faithfully, none of us will suffer thirst during the upcoming year.
Kein Kampf ohne Mampf. When the shooting quieted down and the honors had been bestowed upon the winners, the feast began. Special thanks to the ladies who brought the food, especially Frau Spencer for doing the shopping and the planning and Gloria who not only competed but also helped with the preparation and also did most of the clean up. I mentioned above that Ron is lucky, didn't I?
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