Sunday, May 9, 2010

May Match

Our little band met on Saturday, the eighth of May for the second shoot of the season. The weather was pleasant with enough of a breeze to make it interesting and cool enough to keep the sweaters and jackets on for most of the day.
After the match, we held a short business meeting where we assessed our annual dues ($15) so that we could afford some targets which Mr. Lambert will procure. Below are the results of our match.

Nelson 242 203 246 208 899 1
R. Bell 232 201 239 182 854 2
Lambert 239 212 244 149 844 3 W
Spencer 232 209 233 134 808 4
G. Bell 218 151 239 193 801 5
Smith 240 156 227 172 795 6
Flint 225 148 231 170 774 7

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